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Mary's Place

Client: Four Housing Group

Architect: Ashdown Architects

Clients Agent: Lumsdon Wood Partnership

Value: £1'800'000

Location: Millway, Sheriff Hill, Gateshead


Delivered in partnership with Four Housing Group this development was for 15 new affordable houses in Gateshead on the site of the Our lady of the Annunciation RC Church.



Portfolio - Design & Build

Millway Close

Client: Four Housing Group

Architect: Brian Ashdown Architects

Clients Agent: Lumsdon Wood Partnership

Value: £500'000

Location: Sheriff Hill, Gateshead


New build development of Five, Three bedroom houses for Four Housing Group.


The houses were constructed in traditional methods and to a high design specification. They complied with the requirements of the Code for Sustainable Homes, providing contemporary, adaptable accommodation including the provision of renewable energy systems.

George Parkinson Court

Client: Durham Aged Mineworkers Homes Association

Architect: Brian Ashdown Architects

Clients Agent: Lumsdon Wood Partnership

Value: £1'800'000

Location: Sherburn Village, County Durham


Design & Build Contract for the demolition of 12 existing dwellings and the subsequent construction of 16 new bungalows for Durham Aged Mineworkers Homes in partnership with Isos Housing Group.


This scheme was nominated for an award by Almshouses Association.

Meadow Edge

Client: Durham Aged Mineworkers Homes Association

Architect: Burns Architects

Clients Agent: Lumsdon Wood Partnership

Value: £2'100'000

Location: Sherburn Village, County Durham


Meadow Edge was the Design & Build of 21 Bungalows for Durham Aged Mineworkers Homes in partnership with Isos Housing Group, in Sherburn Village, County Durham..


The 21 two bedroom bungalows were constructed in four plots and designed to compliment existing bungalows in the area, creating a pleasent Cul-De-Sac community.

Basildon Court

Client: Durham Aged Mineworkers Homes Association

Architect: Anthony Watson Architects

Clients Agent: Lumsdon Wood Partnership

Value: £670'000

Location: Leam Lane, Gateshead


A development built by Able Construction for Durham Aged Mineworkers Homes of 8 two bedroom bungalows on land acquired from Gateshead Council.


Built in two plots of four dwellings, the bungalows are designed to feel like a modern mineworkers home, with high energy efficiency. 

Brandon Gardens

Client: Durham Aged Mineworkers Homes Association

Architect: Anthony Watson Architects

Clients Agent: Lumsdon Wood Partnership

Value: £650'000

Location: Wrekenton, Gateshead


Construction of 8, two bedroom bungalows for Durham Aged Miners tenants in Wrekenton Gateshead.


This was a high quality development that provides affordable homes in a quiet location, with high levels of energy efficiency and security. 

Olaman Walk

Client: Durham Aged Mineworkers Homes Association

Architect: Brian Ashdown Architects

Clients Agent: Lumsdon Wood Partnership

Value: £1'000'000

Location: Lowhills Road, Peterlee, County Durham


This project was for the Design & Build of thirteen, two bedroom bungalows in three plots, for Durham Aged Minerworkers tenants, in Peterlee.

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